Therapeutic Activities
The home policy on “Therapeutic Activities” takes into account the clients interests, skills and medical condition.
Thornlea offers a wide range of activities designed to encourage the client to keep mobile and most importantly take an interest in life.
Assistance and time needed for all personal needs and requirements will be met with the utmost discretion.
Staff encourage and help clients to pursue their hobbies and interests.
Amongst the staff employed at Thornlea, there is a resident Activities Coordinator.
Activities with the staff include:
· Chatting to Individual Residents
· Going for walks
· Manicures
· Playing games, quizzes, etc
· Armchair exercises
· Reading letters/magazines/newspapers
· Helping to choose Library books
· Music and sing-a-longs
· Maintain life-long hobbies, crossword puzzles, jigsaws, etc
Game Activties
Clients can play the following games using the equipment that is designed for fading sight (when needed):
· Cards
· Scrabble
· Bingo
· Draughts
· Ball games feet or hand
Outings – All outings are geared to clients needs and capabilities. Examples of outings are listed below:
· A visit to a local tourist attractions
· A shopping trip or walk around the local parks and gardens.
· A visit to a pantomime, theatre show or play.
In addition Thornlea regularly has entertainers visiting the Home.
Further Information
We will endeavour to make your stay with us as happy as possible by providing the best care and ensuring that your individual needs are fully satisfied and that includes serving you with your favourite meals.Visiting hours are unrestricted. However, if you intend to visit the Home outside of 9.00 am to 9.00 pm please could you let the staff on duty know beforehand, as the external doors will be locked for security reasons.
Jewellery, cheque books and money belonging to residents can be stored in a secure place in the office for safe-keeping. (The management cannot be held responsible for loss of money or valuables not in safe-keeping). We do ask that we be informed if a resident is keeping a large amount of cash in their room. Lockable cabinets and/or safes are available should our residents require these as are locks on bedroom doors.
Staff do not expect, nor are allowed to accept, gifts and to do so contravenes their terms and conditions of employment.
During your stay should you have any questions or wish to make any personal requests please talk to a senior member of staff who will be pleased to deal with the matter on your behalf. Should you have any suggestions to make concerning our activities programme we will be delighted to hear from you.