Dedicated Care
Thornlea Care Home pride themselves on providing a highly quality professional care service for the elderly, with a personal touch. We are pleased to accept residents for long term, short term, convalescence and holiday stays.
"When people have worked hard throughout their life and have been committed to helping others, we think they deserve extra cherishing."
Thornlea Care Home aims to provide its residents with a secure, relaxed and homely environment in which there care, well-being and comfort are of prime importance.Carers will strive to preserve and maintain the dignity, individuality and privacy of all residents within a warm and caring atmosphere and in so doing will be sensitive to the residents' ever changing needs. Such needs may be medical/therapeutic (for physical and mental welfare), cultural, psychological, spiritual, emotional or social.
Thornlea's six Tenets of Care
The Residents' Rights
The right of a resident to be left alone and undisturbed whenever they wish or to see visitors in private.
The understanding of a resident's needs and treating them with respect.
Allowing a resident to take calculated risks, to make their own decisions and think and act for themselves.
Giving a resident the opportunity to select for themselves from a range of alternative options.
Keeping all basic human rights available to the residents, including local and national electoral voting.
Enabling the resident to realise their own aims and objectives and assist them in achieving those goals in all aspects of daily living.
"They need a home where individuality is emphasised, with staff that have time to give attention to small detail, and where they have the choice of enjoying the company of like-minded fellow residents."
Residents are encouraged to participate in the development of their Care Plans in which the involvement of family and friends may be appropriate and is greatly valued.This will be achieved through programmes of activities designed to encourage mental alertness, self-esteem, social interaction with other residents and with recognition of the six tenets of our care which are the core fundamental values of the philosophy of our Home; i.e. Privacy, Dignity, Rights, Independence, Choice and Fulfilment.
All care staff within the Home will be appropriately qualified to deliver the highest standards of care. A continuous staff-training programmer is implemented to ensure that these high standards are maintained in line with the latest developments in Care Practices as may be laid down in appropriate legislation, regulations and the Care Quality Commission.