Resident Care Plan
Residents and their relatives are always welcome to chat with a member of the Care Staff if they have any concerns.
The Care Plan is reviewed at three levels
Once developed the Care Plan will be regularly reviewed to ensure that the resident is responding to everybody’s mutual satisfaction. Adverse reaction to the Care Plan by the resident will result in an immediate review of the Care Plan by the named carer, Manager, senior carer and other members of care staff as necessary.In general, the resident (or their representative) is asked to sign the care plan to agree their acceptance.
Family and relatives will be encouraged to participate in the resident’s daily routine as far as is practicable and are invited to monthly formal reviews, when applicable. Residents and their relatives are always welcome to chat with a member of the Care Staff if they have any concerns.
The Care Plan Timeline
- Daily -
On a shift-to-shift basis. At staff shift changeover the resident’s daily care notes are handed by the out-going shift to staff on the in-coming shift and the resident’s responses and activity patterns discussed as needed. Changes to the care plan may be proposed at this point.- Monthly -
At the end of the four week settling-in period.- Continual -
Thereafter a formal review is held with care staff by the Management on a monthly basis.Preferred Priorities of Care
All amendments to the care plan will require the authorisation of the Home Manager or senior carer.Certain amendments may require the authorisation of the resident’s GP. All amendments to the Care Plan are recorded in full.
As part of the Gold Standards Framework in Care Homes, Thornlea Care Home also encourages residents to complete a ‘Preferred Priorities of Care’ document in order that the care team know your future care preferences in advance, in case there is a healthcare emergency.
Further Information
We will endeavour to make your stay with us as happy as possible by providing the best care and ensuring that your individual needs are fully satisfied and that includes serving you with your favourite meals.Visiting hours are unrestricted. However, if you intend to visit the Home outside of 9.00 am to 9.00 pm please could you let the staff on duty know beforehand, as the external doors will be locked for security reasons.
Jewellery, cheque books and money belonging to residents can be stored in a secure place in the office for safe-keeping. (The management cannot be held responsible for loss of money or valuables not in safe-keeping). We do ask that we be informed if a resident is keeping a large amount of cash in their room. Lockable cabinets and/or safes are available should our residents require these as are locks on bedroom doors.
Staff do not expect, nor are allowed to accept, gifts and to do so contravenes their terms and conditions of employment.
During your stay should you have any questions or wish to make any personal requests please talk to a senior member of staff who will be pleased to deal with the matter on your behalf. Should you have any suggestions to make concerning our activities programme we will be delighted to hear from you.