Facilities at The Thornlea
Thornlea Care Home provides its residents with a secure, relaxed and homely environment where care, well-being and comfort are of prime importance.
Assistance and time needed for all personal needs and requirements will be met with the utmost discretion.

All rooms are comfortably furnished and have colour television and individual nurse call systems. Personal items are encouraged where space allows. We have 13 single rooms and one double room. We cater for respite, long-stay and short-stay alike and accept private funding or Social Services funding. Our accommodation charges are very competitive and are dependent upon a ‘pre-assessment’ of need to determine what level of personal care is required. Please refer to your individual “Contract of Residence” for more details or contact a member of the Management Team for further information.

Highly trained and experienced staff will provide 24 hour care. On-going staff training is continuously maintained.

Dining areas
There are two separate dining areas with vast menus catering for any dietary requirements.

Our chef will ask each day what our residents would like to eat. A choice of menu and individual requirements will be discussed on admission and this will be on-going.

Social Rooms
There are two spacious lounges and two separate dining rooms, all centrally heated. Residents are encouraged to use these public rooms, however, residents who choose to stay in their own rooms may do so. Smoking, whilst generally discouraged within the Home, is allowed in the front lounge.

External grounds
There are two external decked areas along with a mature, level access, private rear garden for resident use.

An in-house laundry service is provided for all residents.
Care Home stationery for letter writing is also available together with a postal service. Staff are on hand to offer any assistance necessary. A word processor is also available (along with training) if you require this and the Home has a fax machine should any residents wish to use this service.
WI-FI Connection
The internet is accessible from within the home and access to computers for our residents are always available.
Thornlea has a Bluetooth WIFI internet service throughout the Home along with a communal computer for resident use.
A private room is available for residents and their visitors, if needed.
A courtesy car will be available at all times.
Visiting Services
e.g. Doctors, dentists, chiropodists, hairdressers (of the residents’ choice), etc. all visit the Home. Also additional services will be provided at the residents’ request such as homeopathy, as will visits from the local clergy. Equally transport to and from local church services, with an escort if needed, will be provided.
Age UK
Age UK provide an external day-care service a short distance from the Home, should any residents wish to access this service.

Further Information
We will endeavour to make your stay with us as happy as possible by providing the best care and ensuring that your individual needs are fully satisfied and that includes serving you with your favourite meals.Visiting hours are unrestricted. However, if you intend to visit the Home outside of 9.00 am to 9.00 pm please could you let the staff on duty know beforehand, as the external doors will be locked for security reasons.
Jewellery, cheque books and money belonging to residents can be stored in a secure place in the office for safe-keeping. (The management cannot be held responsible for loss of money or valuables not in safe-keeping). We do ask that we be informed if a resident is keeping a large amount of cash in their room. Lockable cabinets and/or safes are available should our residents require these as are locks on bedroom doors.
Staff do not expect, nor are allowed to accept, gifts and to do so contravenes their terms and conditions of employment.
During your stay should you have any questions or wish to make any personal requests please talk to a senior member of staff who will be pleased to deal with the matter on your behalf. Should you have any suggestions to make concerning our activities programme we will be delighted to hear from you.